
Planet war total war
Planet war total war

Now, if you or I saw a spaceship plummeting to Earth, we would ultimately have two choices. What the boy is watching is nothing less than a clear and present threat to the future of humanity. It’s the opening scene of A Quiet Place 2. It’s Peter Parker seeing the Titan craft at the start of Avengers: Infinity War. Now, anyone with half a brain would know exactly what this is.

planet war total war

It begins with a boy watching a spaceship burst through the clouds as it plummets to Earth. The story it tells, however, is a dark warning about the fragility of life itself. It is, plain and simple, a Christmas ad by numbers.Ġ2:07 Watch the 2021 John Lewis Christmas advert – video Such a total lack of John Lewis products that, if you showed the advert to someone who didn’t know what John Lewis was, they would be forced to assume it was some sort of spaceship repair company? Check. Maudlin cover version of a song you once liked? Check, in this case a version of Together in Electric Dreams that sounds like it was performed by someone who has tumbled down a well and just realised nobody is coming to rescue her. Because this year’s ad is such a straight-down-the-line John Lewis Christmas advert that you can only imagine it was assembled by tombola. You could look at how aggressively every other retailer has attempted to rip off the tear-jerky John Lewis Christmas ad formula, to the extent that sitting through an ITV commercial break in November or December is now exactly the same as suffering through the first 10 minutes of Up on a neverending loop in an abandoned corn silo full of crying children.īut judging by this year’s offering, you might also suggest that John Lewis has run out of ideas. You could look at the fortunes of John Lewis itself, which has spent the last couple of years locked in a nightmare of plunging revenues and store closures. Sorry for shilling so hard for this mod, it is very underrated and I am glad to see it getting attention.T here are plenty of theories why the John Lewis Christmas ad no longer hits as hard as it once did. While it does suffer from balancing issues and the occasional bug (don't take too long on the faction selection screen or the game WILL crash), it is definitely a fun mod and it is certainly worth playing a few campaigns, especially the Human Empire, Ceroleans, Cryptic Empire, and Scorp.

planet war total war

There are a plethora of unique factions and units from Gungans to Shrek ogres to Predators. Those teletubbbies pictured above? They throw explosive watermelons.

planet war total war

It takes place on a distant planet that became populated by dozens of alien races after the Cryptic Empire's slave ship crash landed, thanks to the actions of future Human Emperor Mike Slate. For all those asking which mod this is, this is from a Medieval 2 mod called Planet War.

Planet war total war